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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2021-10 3 Last Meeting Minutes


Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting

September 8, 2021

Vice Commodore Christy Long, acting as meeting moderator, called the meeting to order. Officers present were M.Long, Commodore Natalie Wiest, Purser Kent Walters, Boatswain Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present were Sergeant-at-arms Ann Derby and conservation Chair Tom Douglas.


Ms. Long announced that Kim Sorensen, of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, would speak at the October meeting, on how TPWD interests a new generation of paddlers, and how they can work with HCC to encourage young paddlers.


Ms. Wiest asked that the previous month’s meetings’ minutes be approved. They were.


Mr. Bodson listed recent club paddle trips, and announced the following future trips, and their trip leaders:


          Sept. 11: Neches River Rally, Neches River, Fran Wilcox;

          Oct. 2: Buffalo Bayou Regatta, Buffalo Bayou.


He then noted that the Regatta needed safety boaters, and was trying to reduce the number of drunken participants.


Ms. Nissen reported one new member, Don Wingerson, for the month, and six new members in the previous month.


Mr. Walters reported that the club’s finances were in order, and doing fine, after the purchase of a new computer and projector. Ms. Long and Ms Derby praised the new equipment.


Mr. Douglas reported that the Houston-Galveston Area Council wants public input from those who have paddled it for a Cotton Bayou water quality study. He noted that Rice University has a website with a map of water runoff risks from industrial sites in Harris County. He said that the Spring Creek Watershed Protection Plan has been approved, and that HGAC is asking for comments on its part of the Texas Water Quality Management Plan. He further noted that the Spring Woods Canoe Group would hold an ACA-approved class in flatware kayak touring on Sept. 11, and classes on canoe touring and safety and rescue on Sept. 18 and 19, both to be held in Missouri City. Houston Audubon Society and the Buffalo Bayou Preservation Society would hold a “Birds and Paddling” event on the bayou on Sept. 18. He ended his report by noting that the Cahaba River Society would hold a festival on Oct. 3, in Alabama.


Ms. Wiest asked Mr. Bodson when he wanted to present the previous year’s 100-Miler Awards. He said it was difficult to say, without having in-person meetings. She then announced that Bob Naeger would head the officers nominating committee, and that Amy McGee would serve on it. Officer vacancies are Purser, Boatswain, and Vice Commodore. Officer nominees will be presented at October’s meeting and voted on in the November meeting.


Ms. Long then oversaw the night’s presentation of photos of various members past paddling trips. Those offering photos were herself, Mr. Douglas, Mr. Walters, Ms. Wiest, Mr. Bodson, and Mr. Ohrt. Ms. Wiest adjourned the meeting.

HCC Board Meeting
September 1, 2021
by Frank Orht

Commodore Natalie Wiest called the meeting order. Officers present were Ms. Wiest, Vice Commodore Christy Long, Boatswain Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present were Conservation Chair Tom Douglas and Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby.


Ms. Long announced programs for the next few months. The September program will be members showing photographs of past trips; October’s program will be Christy talking about paddling the Pecos River or the annual Week of Rivers festival; November’s meeting will be Gordon Black, talking about the Casaba River in Alabama, and efforts to improve its water quality. Ms. Wiest noted that Lynn Andrus had offered to talk about the ACA.


Ms. Long then said that the monthly newsletter was coming along well, and that the club had FINALLY bought a new computer. Hooray! She and Ann Derby discussed wi-fi at Bayland Park.


Mr. Bodson announced a 10-mile practice paddle for a 50-mile paddle on Old River. He discussed his various recent and future paddles on the Brazos, and the state of some put-ins and take-outs on that river. Mr. Douglas noted that Missouri City has begun offering kayaking classes. Mr. Bodson then said that the club has had 22 “official” trips, 9 led by himself and 7 by Ms. Wiest, and that there were three “100-Milers” so far for the year.


Mr. Walters reported that the club’s finances were doing fine, and that he would not be serving as Purser for the coming year, as he was re-locating to Arkansas.


Ms. Nissen reported one new member, Donald Wingerson, and six new members from the previous month.


Mr. Ohrt reported that he had nothing to report, and offered to give a Safety Minute at the coming meeting, on lightning safety.


Mr. Douglas reported that the Spring Creek Watershed Protection plan had been approved, and that the Cotton Bayou water quality plan was taking public comments. He also noted that September was “Bird Month”, and that the Houston Audubon Society was various holding events.


In preparation for nominations for next year’s officers, Ms. Wiest said that Ms. Long would continue as Webmaster and Newsletter Editor. Ms. Nissen said she would prefer not to continue as Boatswain. Mr. Bodson said that he would serve for another year, and Mr. Ohrt said that he would not, but would still take responsibility for getting the club mail at the P.O. box. Ms. Nissen then offered to serve as Recorder.


Ms. Wiest asked for suggestions for members of an officers’ nominating committee. She asked for ideas for the year’s Christmas Party - whether to have it at Cedar Hill Park again, and whether we should just make up a big pot of chili or gumbo. She then adjourned the meeting.

Frank Ohrt