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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

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HomeNL-2021-09 8 Fleet Report

Fleet Captains Report
September 2021
by Bruce Bodson

August 2021


fleet at white
Part of the Fleet at White’s Bayou Park (Photo by Kent Walters)

Well, despite COID and Delta and excessive river flows through the early months of 2021, our fleet has continued to venture out.  The following is a statistical summary of our club paddling, year to date.

Trips and Miles

So far for 2021, HCC has had a total of 22 official events that would accrue club miles.  A few of those are public events or events held by other organizations duly reported by a club member and attended by two or more.  The total available distance to date is 374.37miles.  See the trip reports section for trip leader/participants reports on trips since the last newsletter!  We’ve a total of 57 different participants in our trips, of whom 39 are official HCC members.

Trip Leaders

The following people have led trips or reported events so far this year:

  • Bruce Bodson: 10
  • Natalie Wiest: 7
  • Kent Walters: 2
  • Tom Douglas: 1
  • Frank Ohrt: 1
  • Chris Arceneaux: 1

Remember, we always need people to lead trips, and ideas for places to go!

Mileage Leaders

So far in 2021, the following people have done the most club miles.  Remember, 100 miles or more qualifies you for the HCC 100-miler Award, which we hope to actually present at a live meeting in early 2022.

  • Bruce Bodson: 164.20
  • Constantin Platon: 130.80
  • Brent Hwang: 116.71
  • Kent Walters: 85.02
  • Christy Long: 83.93
  • David Portz: 65.41
  • Duane Heckelsburg, Ken McCormick, Amy McGee, and Kenny Pape: 65.40 ( all on the Buffalo River trip)
  • Bob Naeger: 58.87

We also have a good group sitting currently at just under 50 miles, including Natalie Wiest, Tim Brooking, and Fran Wilcox.

Remember to keep checking the HCC Event Calendar and get out there and paddle! 

The author, Bruce Bodson