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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

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HomeNL-2021-09 3 Last Meeting Minutes


Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
August 11, 2021

August 11 email from Commodore Natalie Wiest

Tonight's Houston Canoe Club meeting is CANCELLED.  The Board has decided to do this with an overabundance of caution due to the reported large spikes in COVID virus transmission.  I apologize for the very late notice of this decision.  Neither our planned presenter nor the likely technical team (myself, Christy, Ann) are comfortable with a last minute Zoom attempt.  It is likely we will return to Zoom meetings for the foreseeable future.  We hope you all are staying well and safe and we WILL get together again, face to face, sometime in the future.


Natalie Wiest
Commodore, Houston Canoe Club


The reports from the Conservation Chair nd Fleet Captain will be presented in September Newsletter.

HCC Board Meeting
August 4, 2021
by Frank Orht

Commodore Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order. Officers present were Ms. Wiest, Vice commodore Christy Long, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, Purser Kent Walters, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present were Conservation Chair Tom Douglas and Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby.


Ms. Long said that she had no speaker for September’s meeting. As acting Newsletter Editor, she thanked Alice Nissen for connecting trip reports to the club’s master list of such reports, while noting that it should be the Webmaster’s job. As acting Webmaster, she said that everything is OK. Mr. Bodson asked to be given access permissions on the website, and Ms.Long said she would do that. She also noted that ex-Newsletter Editor John Rich still had all website permissions. Tom Douglas said that Gordon Black, of the Cahaba River Society, might be a possible speaker at one of our meetings.


Ms. Derby stated that we need a new computer. As we well know. There was some discussion about Powerpoint files.


Mr.Bodson said that there had been one club trip since the last meeting, as several of his planned trips had been cancelled.He also expressed his wish to hand out the 100 Miler Awards for 2020.


Mr. Walters assured the officers that the club was in fine shape financially, having made $0.54 on our CD. There was approximately $7,000.00 in the club’s operating account.


Mr.Douglas announced that the Spring Creek Watershed Protection Plan was complete, and that the draft of the HGAC submission to the TCEQ Water Quality Management Plan was available online. He then announced that the Buffalo Bayou Regatta would be held on October 2nd. Ms. Long said that there a swiftwater rescue course would be held in October, also.


Mr. Ohrt suggested announcing it as a Safety Minute, but Ms. Wiest said she would rather it be on proper hydration and heat-related injury.


Ms. Wiest said that wearing facemarks would be strongly recommended for the general meeting, August 11th. She then asked Mr. Bodson if the club could access any Olympic paddling videos, and noted the need to set up a nominating committee for the next year’s officers.


She then adjourned the meeting.

Frank Ohrt