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  The Houston Canoe Club
Share our Joy of Paddling!

P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HomeNL-2021-08 8 Commodore's Report

Commodore’s Corner
August 2021
by Natalie Wiest

What a ride this past year has been.  Looking over our Newsletters I see we cancelled meetings from at least April through June of 2020; and began a period of Zoom meetings in July 2020 that has continued through July 2021.  FINALLY in August 2021 we will have an in-person meeting at Bayland Community Center.  My conversation with Bayland today (July 29) assures me there are no capacity or face mask restrictions in place.  If there is a change of course we will let you all know through our Home Page and Facebook.  Personally, I feel facemasks would be a good  idea and I encourage anyone with concerns to please mask up.  If you don’t want to wear a mask, that is your personal choice as well but please be considerate of those who are masked.


In the intervening year several of us have been able to paddle in official and unofficial trips.  It feels so good to get out on the water, commune with nature, and enjoy the company of our friends.  Please be safe out there, on the water or wherever your bliss takes you.  I’ll look forward to seeing smiling faces (or at least eyes above masks) on Wednesday evening, August 11th.  Bob Scaldino’s presentation on hiking, camping, and kayaking in the Pacific Northwest is sure to be enlightening.  The Club has just purchased a new computer projector so you can fully enjoy his wonderful photos.  See you there!


Natalie Wiest

HCC Commodore

The author, Natalie Wiest