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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

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HomeNL-2021-08 3 Last Meeting Minutes


Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
July 14, 2021
by Frank Ohrt

Commodore Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order. Officers present were Ms. Wiest, Vice Commodore Christy Long, Purser Kent Walters, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, Boatswain Alice Nissen, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present, were Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby and Conservation Chair Tom Douglas.


Ms. Wiest asked that the minutes of the previous month’s meetings be accepted as written. They were.


Mr. Bodson reported the following trips and their leaders:


June 12: White’s and Turtle Bayou, Kent Walters;

June 27: Club Picnic (Lake Charlotte), Alice Nissen and Natalie Wiest;

July 10: Champions Lake, Natalie Wiest.


  “Unofficial” trips included:


June 12: Colorado River, Bruce Bodson;

June 19: Colorado River, Bastrop to Smithville, Bruce Bodson;

June 26: Colorado River, Garwood to Glen Flora, Bruce Bodson.


  Upcoming trips announced were:


July 17: Colorado River, Columbus to Altair, Bruce Bodson;

July 21: Colorado River, Altair to Garwood, Bruce Bodson;

July 24: San Bernard River, Alan Park to FM 442, Bruce Bodson;

July 31: Brazos River, FM 1458 to FM 1093, Bruce Bodson;

Aug. 1: Lake Anahuac “Anything But a Sailboat” sail, Natalie Wiest;

Aug. 7: Neches River Wilderness Race, Bruce Bodson.


Ms Nissen reported six new members: Ann Pinchak, Melissa Rogers, Robert Trout, Charles Vernon, Charles Scoville, and David Potter.


Mr. Walters reported that the club’s finances are in good order. Ms. Wiest asked for the members’ approval of expenditure of up to $2,000.00 for a new computer and projector. The members approved.


Mr. Douglas reported that the Spring Creek Watershed Protection Partnership had a draft of their watershed protection plan. He also said that the TCEQ was accepting comments on the draft of its Texas Water Quality Management Plan. He also announced the publication of a book on Armand Bayou, Armand Bayou Illustrated, by Mark Kramer.


Ms. Long introduced Randolph Watson of the Wildlife Center of Texas, who spoke about wildlife rehabilitation, especially with respect to injured birds.


Ms. Wiest adjourned the meeting.

HCC Board Meeting
July 7, 2021
by Alice Nissen

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

In attendance: Ann Derby, Natalie Wiest, Tom Douglas, Bruce Bodson, Kent Walters, Alice Nissen.


Commodore Natalie Wiest, spoke for Vice Commodore Christy Long, who was absent. The July speaker is Randolf Watson with The Wildlife Center of Texas, who will talk about rehabbing wildlife. Bob Scaldino will speak in August.


Natalie asked Bruce about the Colorado River. He stated the river is at a safe level. The Columbus Loop has no snags, water running high (3 feet above normal) but one could get pushed into banks.


Bruce Bodson, Fleet Captain, reported that not much was going on. He has an unofficial trip scheduled on the Colorado river.


Alice Nissen, Boatswain, reported 3 new members in July and one new member in June. She also stated she would be wearing a mask at the meeting in August at the Bayland Community Center. Natalie will send out a notice with meeting announcement that masks are optional.


Kent Walters, Purser, stated that we have enough funds to pay for the picnic and the projector.

Tom Douglas, Conservation Chairman, stated that a draft of the Spring Creek Watershed Protection Plan is up for comments until 7/16. Galveston has a draft up for comment and goes into state law by 7/31. Mark Kramer has a new book on Armand Bayou at Amazon (e-book and paperback). Someone suggested that Christy should ask Mark to speak, but he is not able to because of health concerns.


Ann Derby talked about projectors. She did a lot of research on what is best for our club.  She recommended 2: one for $650 and one for $800. Both have better resolution than our current projector. Christy, Natalie and Ann will go to Best Buy or Microcenter to look at some. Kent stated that almost every computer has HDMI output but not laptops. Christy has the club’s computer but has been unsuccessful in getting it to work with Zoom. Natalie mentioned an issue of poor internet connection at Bayland. She is in favor of a new computer. Tom stated a new computer may or may not help. We need WIFI extender which amplifies and extends WIFI. Kent stated that probably would not work because we do not have Bayland’s passwords. Natalie thanked Ann for all her work and great input.


Natalie stated she is orienting Fran Wilcox to be a trip coordinator. A discussion ensued regarding how to get new trip leaders. HCC does not require certification for trip leadership. Kent’s expertise is in the administration part with ACA. Susan Eda, Spring Woods Canoe Group, is offering 1-day kayak and 2-day canoe safety courses in the fall. HASK has a trip leader flat water rescue course.


Natalie will talk to Christy about permissions to use the Event Calendar. We decided to end our COVID waiver. There were no objections to ending our COVID waiver.


Bruce got a request for a family to house a 16-year-old French exchange student. He may be a white-water kayaker. Asked if anyone would be interested.


Tom has lists of kayak and canoe rental companies in the area. Armand Bayou, Artist Boat, Jessie Jones are running trips.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00.

HCC Board Meeting
Report by Alice Nissen 

Frank Ohrt