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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2021-07 9 Lake Charlotte Picnic

Annual Club Picnic and Paddle
Lake Charlotte

June 27, 2021
by Natalie Wiest

Stats for the day:

                Temperature range:  84 to 90 degrees F (Anahuac)

                Wind speed:  8 to 15 mph predominantly from the East

                Gage height:  11.5 feet (

                No measurable precipitation

                18 paddlers in 15 boats;  canoes, kayaks, sit-on-tops

                Picnickers approx. 25 total

Route map provided by Tom Douglas

Despite potentially challenging forecasts, 18 folks showed up at Cedar Hill Park on Sunday, June 27, 2021 to enjoy what turned out to be a lovely paddle on Lake Charlotte.  We launched in 15 boats and headed out across the lake under a cloud cover that provided a cooling shower.

We headed west to take a look at Mac Bayou.  With the Trinity River running very high, there was a lot of incoming current to the lake so we headed south along the western shore.  Trip leaders Tom Douglas and Linda Shead, and Joe Coker checked out a passage into the deeper forest from the eagle’s nest tree but deemed it impassable so we headed on south.

We meandered through the trees to the spot known as the Buzzard’s Roost.


New club member Greg Fan has picked up the “paddle your canoe with a double bladed paddle” style.  Purists among us may eschew such technique but yours truly is also an ardent supporter of the style and it sure makes handling our craft a lot easier, at least those of us (like myself) lacking super single blade techniques.

Although we tallied only 3.4 miles for the out and back trip, we deemed it a good warmup to the delightful dinner that awaited us on our return.  Alice Nissen did a masterful job of setting up the spread at the pavilion.  I was amused to see our colorful display of paddle craft and carriers spread out across the parking lot.  Just the right kind of company for a day in the park.

The Club provided the KFC main course; Alice and our club members added a memorable and tasty number of side dishes and desserts.  It was a fine day – I’m sorry if you didn’t get to join us.



The author, Natalie Wiest