Commodore Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order. Officers present were Ms. Wiest, Boatswain Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present was Conservation Chair Tom Douglas.
Ms. Wiest announced the sad news that Newsletter Editor John Rich had resigned his position after 11 years. Everyone was sorry to hear it. She then announced a club paddle and picnic in his honor, at Marshall Lake, on June 20th. She added that Tom Douglas would speak on Houston Paddle Trails at the May meeting, if no other speaker were found. Ms. Wiest said she will be absent, as she celebrates her Mom’s 100th birthday. (Hooray for Natalie’s Mom!)
Mr. Bodson gave the Fleet Captain’s report. There were three trips since the last meeting. Trips, and leaders, were:
March 26: Trash Bash, Green’s Bayou, Tom Douglas;
April 4: Champion’s Lake, Natalie Wiest;
April 10: Brazos River, SH 21 to FM 60, Bruce Bodson.
Club mileage leaders are: Brent Hwang (132 miles paddled), Constantin Platon (62), Bruce Bodson (57), and David Portz (43).
Upcoming trips and leaders announced were:
April 10-17: Buffalo River, AK, Kent Walters (in progress);
April 17: Brazos River, US 79 to SH 21, Bruce Bodson.
Ms. Nissen gave the Boatswain’s report. There are three new members: Cameron Cozac, Scott Andrews, and Kenneth Pape (renewing).
Ms. Wiest asked that the previous meetings’ minutes be approved. and they were.
Mr. Douglas gave the Conservation report. He led a small group of members on a “do-it-yourself” Trash Bash clean-up on March 27th. He announced that the Spring Creek Watershed Partnership had set a timeline for implementing its its watershed protection plan. He then noted that the Buffalo Bayou Partnership and Houston Public Media have produced a “Birds and Plants of Buffalo Bayou Park” audio tour. He added that there would be banding of Red-cockaded Woodpecker nestlings at Jones State Forest on May 11th. He then reported that he had given a talk on Houston Paddle Trails at the Sierra Club meeting April 8th, and that Brazoria City was taking comments for an update of its parks master plan. He ended by noting the Boy Scout “Powderhorn” canoe and kayak instruction session.
Ms. Wiest announced that the club would continue to meet on Zoom for the coming month, at least. She asked what we could do to continue posting a newsletter without Mr. Rich. It was decided to simplify it and continue, with each officer posting his or her reports.
She then introduced Carl Franklin, of Texas Turtles, who spoke on, well, Texas turtles. It was an entertaining and educational presentation. There were many questions afterwards.
There being no further business, Ms. Wiest adjourned the meeting.