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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2021-04 Wanted
Wanted: Newsletter Editor
April 2021
by John Rich


The Houston Canoe Club needs a new Newsletter Editor.


The job requires several hours of your time each month.  I have always spread it out, a few hours each week, so it doesn't build up and require a huge effort at the end of the month when publication is due.

The newsletter is currently published as a set of web pages, with a home page containing links to other pages, one for each story.  These web pages are created using the editor provided by Club Express, our web site host.  It works much like Word or PowerPoint software to format text and photos.  Club Express has numerous educational videos to help a user learn how to operate their software. 

You will be taking input from other people in various formats, such as e-mails and Word documents, and turning them into web pages for the newsletter.  This is mostly a simple copy-and-paste function.  Images have to be uploaded and inserted in appropriate places.

Know your spelling and grammar, so that the newsletter presents a professional image of the Club to the reading public.  It is seen by hundreds each month, and appears in web searches around the world.

Basic photo editing skills are a plus.  It is often helpful to modify photos with a crop, resize and/or exposure adjustment.

A knowledge of html is a positive.  Html is the hyper text markup language used to create web pages. Mostly, it's behind the scenes and you don't have to deal with it.  The friendly editor produces the html code so you don't have to write it directly yourself.  But sometimes you can't get the editor to do what you want, and you may have to tweak the code to get the look you desire.  Everything you need to know about html can be learned from google searches.

My instructions for publishing the newsletter are in the "Documents" section of the Club web site: How to Publish the HCC Newsletter.  These instructions provide the detailed step-by-step process for every needed function.  All you have to do is follow the steps, and it will get you there.

If you would like to volunteer to perform this job for the Club and the greater paddling community, then contact Commodore Natalie Wiest to discuss the position.