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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2021-04 3 Last Meeting Minutes


Last Meeting Minutes
by Frank Ohrt

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
March 10, 2020
Online Zoom Meeting
Recorder: Frank Ohrt

 Commodore Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order. Officers present were Ms. Wiest, Vice Commodore Christy Long, Boatswain Alice Nissen, Purser Kent Walters, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present were Conservation Chair Tom Douglas and Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby. 

  Ms. Wiest announced that HCC meetings would continue on Zoom until June or July, depending on vaccination rates and personal preferences. She then asked that there be a change in where past meetings’ minutes were stored online. She asked that the previous month’s meeting minutes be approved as written, and they were so approved.

  Mr. Bodson gave the Fleet Captain’s report, noting that not much had happened in the previous month. Past activities and trip leaders/club representatives included:

Feb. 22: Annual crab trap removal, Christmas Bay, Bruce Bodson (+2 members);
Feb. 27: San Marcos River Clean-up, Frank Ohrt (+ 5 members).

He announced that Brent Hwang already had over 100 miles paddled on club trips. Upcoming trips and leaders were:

March 20: San Bernard River, Bruce Bodson;
March 27: Colorado River, Bruce Bodson;
April 10-17: Buffalo River, AK, Kent Walters.

  Ms. Nissen gave the Boatswain’s report. There are two new members, Scott Andrews and Leslie Gordonier. 

  Mr. Walters gave the Purser’s report. We’re fine, and have plenty in our operating fund. Maybe we should squander some money, so as to get back to “normal”. 

  Mr. Ohrt gave the Safety Minute, reminding the members to protect their eyes when on the water, with hats and sunglasses. He also mentioned that the American Whitewater website has real-time river levels posted for every state. He then mentioned that the Texas Conservation Alliance would have Red-cockaded Woodpecker nestling banding sessions at Jones State Forest on May 11 and 13, and was allowing a limited number of observers. 

  Ms. Wiest thanked Christy Long for agreeing to serve as temporary Webmaster, on the condition that we all give her as much help as we can. We all wish Mr. Everett the best on his hike of the Pacific Crest Trail. (Some of us think he’s nuts, and should take a pair of spare knees, but wouldn’t say so publicly.) 

  Mr. Douglas gave the Conservation report. The Cypress Creek Watershed Partnership has almost finished its watershed protection plan, and the Spring Creek Watershed partnership is working on a first draft of its plan. He added that the annual Trash Bash will be “virtual” this year, with all participants urged to do their own clean-ups on nearby waterways. Volunteers can sign up online. He then announced that he would give a presentation on paddling Houston area paddle trails at the Sierra club online meeting, April 8. Ms. Wiest added that the club might arrange for a group clean-up somewhere nearby.

  Ms. Long introduced the evening’s speaker, Janice Hindson, of Paddle Florida, a non-profit that gives multi-day “all-included” paddle tours of Florida waterways.

  Ms. Long reminded the members that the next month’s presentation would be on Texas’ turtles, and that she was trying to get someone to speak on wildlife rehabilitation. 

  Mr. Douglas said that he’d forgotten to say that, if you donate $35.00 to the Buffalo Bayou Partnership in March, you would get a t-shirt and a beer. What a deal!

  There being no more business, Ms. Long adjourned the meeting.  


Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
March 3, 2020
Online Zoom Meeting
Recorder: Frank Ohrt
  Commodore Natalie Wiest called the meeting to order.  Officers present were Ms. Wiest, Vice Commodore Christy Long, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, Purser Kent Walters, Boatswain Alice Nissen, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present was Conservation Chair Tom Douglas. 

  Ms. Wiest announced that she had posted a note on the club Paddle Forum requesting a guide for a trip down the length of the Rio Grande. She then announced that Ms. Long would be the new Webmaster, until someone else might volunteer, and asked that we all pitch in to help her as much as possible. 

  She then asked for a Safety Minute for the next meeting. Mr. Ohrt suggested that he might mention eye protection on the river, and recommend the use of sunglasses, unless anyone else had a better topic. No one did, so he won by default. 

  Ms. Wiest suggested that we continue to meet on Zoom for the foreseeable future. Mr. Ohrt said that he would like to continue having board meetings on Zoom, but would prefer to have general club meetings in person as soon as possible.

  Ms. Long announced that she had speakers for the March and April meetings, but nothing yet for May. She said that she was trying to reach the Wildlife Center of Texas for a speaker on their wildlife rehabilitation efforts. Mr. Douglas said he would get her the phone number for the director. Mr. Walters mentioned that he had a contact in the USGS who might give a talk on the details of their river level monitoring and reporting. Mr. Ohrt noted that American Whitewater had real-time river level and “paddlability” information on their website. 

  Ms. Long then noted that members had to register for the upcoming meeting from the website in order to get an invitation and a Zoom link. She and Ms. Wiest will split the duties of running the meeting and dealing with the Zoom details. 

  Mr. Bodson reported that there wasn’t much to report concerning club paddling trips, due to the recent weather. He mentioned the recent crab trap clean-up in Christmas Bay, noting that most of the dead fish he observed were exotic species, and that there were a few dead water birds. Mr. Ohrt mentioned the previous weekend’s San Marcos River clean-up. Mr. Bodson then mentioned the Jesse Jones Nature Festive coming Saturday, and Mr. Douglas suggested that the park director might be willing to give a talk on the history of the park, etc.

  Ms. Nissen announced one new member, Leslie Taylor, who was also a HASK member. She then mentioned that she knew of an excellent photographer who specialized in photos of the Everglades, and who might give a presentation at a future club meeting.

  Mr. Walters reported that the club’s operating fund had hit a new high, due to a virus-related reduction in expenses. (Maybe we can have catered food at the next club picnic!)

  Mr. Douglas reported that the Cypress Creek Watershed partnership was preparing its final water quality protection plan for that watershed, and that the Spring Creek Watershed Partnership was preparing the first draft of its plan. He then noted that the Sierra Club meeting, April 8, would have a presentation on Harris County’s paddle trails. 

  Ms. Wiest asked if there was any further business and, being answered with silence, she adjourned the meeting. 

Recorder, Frank Ohrt