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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2021-02 Conservation
Conservation Committee Report 
January 2021
by Tom Douglas

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Bayou Preservation Association’s Bayou Appreciation Program

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Link to the Houston Chronicle article 

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Bayou Preservation Association’s Bayou Appreciation Program

Draft Cypress Creek Watershed Protection Plan, pgs. 50-51 (HCC mentioned by name)

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The Bacteria Implementation Group

What is a TMDL?

The City of Houston’s Protect Our Pipes Program

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The Spring Creek Watershed Partnership   

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Houston Audubon – Christmas Bird Counts

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To Send in Your Comments

To access the plan’s text, videos, and op-ed articles 

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Visit the website for the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition to buy tickets

Movie Trailer for There’s Something in the Water

Movie Trailer for Last Call for the Bayou: Duck Queen of Plaquimines Parish

List of Films for the 2021 Wild and Scenic Film Festival 

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Link for Information and Registration  

The author, Tom Douglas