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  The Houston Canoe Club
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HomeNL-2021-02 3 Last Meeting Minutes


Last Meeting Minutes
by Frank Ohrt

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
January 13, 2021
Bayland Park Community Center
Recorder: Frank Ohrt

 The January 13 HCC meeting was held via Zoom. Officers participating were Commodore Natalie Wiest, Vice Commodore Christy Long, Boatswain Alice Nissen, Purser Kent Walters, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also attending  were Conservation Chair Tom Douglas and Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby. 

  Ms. Wiest called the meeting to order, and announced that the planned speaker for the evening could not give his presentation, due to a work-related emergency. She said that Mr. Bodson had offered to step in on short notice and give a talk about the Brazos River. She then said that the club would meet via Zoom for the foreseeable future, and asked for a volunteer to serve as Webmaster. 

  Mr. Bodson gave the Fleet Captain’s report. There have been seven official club trips since the last meeting, for a total of 116 miles. The trips and trip leaders were:

  Nov. 14, Lake Marshall: Kent Walters;
  Nov. 14, Brazos River and Yegua Creek: Bruce Bodson;
  - - - - - - - - - 
  Then we got “Zoom bombed”. What fun. After the moderators regained control of the
  meeting, the Fleet Captain’s report continued.
  - - - - - - - - -
  Nov. 21, San Bernard River: Kent Walters;
  Nov. 21, Buffalo Bayou Paddle Trail scouting trip: Bruce Bodson and Natalie Wiest;
  Dec.   5, Brazos River, SH 35 to S H 36: Bruce Bodson;
  Dec. 20, Holiday Paddle on Lake Charlotte: Natalie Wiest;
  Dec. 25, Annual Santa Hat Paddle, Buffalo Bayou: Frank Ohrt;
  Dec. 27, Old River Christmas Bird Count: Bruce Bodson;

  Ms. Wiest said she was thinking of leading a trip on Champion’s lake on the coming Saturday (Jan. 18). 

  Ms. Nissen gave the Boatswain’s report. There are several new members: Curtis Ruggles, the Fay family, John Hensley, Kimberly Russell, Lydia Westbrook, and Gene Cornwell, Jr. 

  Mr. Douglas gave the Conservation report. He noted the Buffalo Bayou Paddle Trail scouting trip and the proposed TPWD Cypress Creek paddle trail. He talked about the HGAC Bacterial Implementation Group and its study of bacterial water quality in area streams, and the Dec. 10 meeting of the Spring Creek Watershed Partnership.

  He discussed the Corps of Engineers’ Buffalo Bayou Resilience Study, and gave the information for continuing public comment ( He reminded members of the upcoming Wild and Scenic Film Festival, and referred everyone to a link in the General Forum ( He mentioned the Feb. 10-12 Urban Riparian Symposium (<>), and ended by reporting that Mud Lake (the lower reach of Armand Bayou), had been re-named Mark Kramer Lake, in honor of the Chief naturalist of the Armand Bayou Nature Center.

  Ms. Long turned the meeting over to Mr. Bodson, who gave his presentation on the Brazos River, from its beginning in north-central Texas to the Gulf of Mexico. (Well done, and a big gold star for Bruce.) 

  Ms. Wiest then adjourned the meeting.

General Meeting Recorder,
Frank Ohrt

Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
January 6, 2021
Bayland Park Community Center
Acting Recorder: Alice Nissen
  The HCC board of officers met by Zoom. Present were Commodore Natalie Wiest, Vice Commodore Christy Long, Fleet Captain Bruce Bodson, Purser Kent Walters, and Boatswain Alice Nissen. Ms. Nissen took minutes, as the Recorder was distracted by current events. 

  Ms. Long announced the January meeting’s speaker, Carl James Franklin, speaking about Texas turtles. Ms. Long asked members to send her any photos of turtles that they might have, to include in the presentation. She then announced that Constantin Platon would make a presentation on his trip down the Green River in Utah for the February meeting. She asked for ideas for a speaker for the March meeting.  

  There was discussion of how to publicize our meetings while guarding against “Zoom bombing”. It was suggested that the club update its website, which currently says meetings are held at Bayland Park. 

  Mr. Bodson gave the Fleet Captain’s report. he began by asking for more trip postings, and noted that two of his Christmas Bird Count trips had to be cancelled because of wind and/or high water. He said he would have an updated mileage count in time for the Jan. 13 meeting.. Ms. Wiest reminded him that the Fleet Captain had the right to adjust the criteria for the 100-Miler awards. He then noted David Portz’s recent paddle exploring the San Bernard River, and suggested further exploration of that river. He then announced the upcoming 100K race on the Colorado River, from Austin to Bastrop. 

  Ms. Nissen gave the Boatswain’s report. The club has three new members: Curtis Ruggles and the Fay family. There were also five new members in December. Mr. Walters asked if family memberships counted as only one member, or as the number of family members. Ms. Nissen promised to issue a ruling soon. 

  Mr. Walters gave the Purser’s report. The same Purser’s report he always gives. We’re still rolling, shallowly, in dough. He exhorted Mr. Bodson not to be shy about spending club money on trip leaders’ awards. 

  He then announced some bookkeeping changes for various expenses, and that there might be an increase in our P.O. box fees. He noted that the club was saving on speaker dinner expenses, and that their gifts would be Amazon gift cards. He announced that he was changing our Zoom membership to a single club account, under his name, with accessibility for all officers, under his name. He noted the convenience of continuing to have Zoom meetings in the future, and that our ACA expenses would continue. 

  Ms. Wiest thanked Mr. Walters for creating a trip leader protocol, and reminded everyone that Covid-19 waivers were required for our trips. 

  There was discussion of a possible Safety Minute for the upcoming meeting. Ms. Wiest said she would defer any discussion of changes to the club by-laws. Ms. Long volunteered to serve as Webmaster, so Harmon can have a break, but that she might need some help from time to time. Hooray for Christy!.

  There were several miscellaneous topics discussed. Ms. Long talked about the fifty or so books she received from John and Ann Olden and Ken Anderson. She resolved to give them to whoever might want them. It was noted that the Wild and Scenic Film Festival was posted on the Forum. There was some further discussion of defending against “Zoom bombing”, if we posted our meetings on Facebook. 

  There being no further items to discuss, Ms. Wiest adjourned the meeting.

Board Meeting Recorder,
Alice Nissen