Bob Naeger |
Commodore Bob Naeger called the meeting to order. Officers present were Mr Naeger, Vice Commodore Dan Roy, Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest, Newsletter Editor John Rich, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Purser Kent Walters arrived late, but he was forgiven on the grounds that we couldn’t do without him.
Mr. Naeger called attention the pre-meeting dinner at Cafe Piquet, and the post-meeting gathering at Jax’s. He asked that the minutes of the previous month’s meetings be approved. It was so moved, seconded, and approved.
Natalie Wiest |
Ms. Wiest gave the Fleet Captain’s report. Recent trips and leaders were:
Oct. 4: Big Bend, Upper Canyons of the Rio Grande, Kent Walters (with video);
Oct. 20: Rotary Regatta, Clear Creek (no participants);
Oct. 20: Miles and Mussels #17, Brazos River, Bruce Bodson;
Oct. 27: Lake Charlotte, Natalie Wiest;
Nov. 3: Goliad Flotilla, San Antonio River, Fran Wilcox.
Coming trips announced were:
Nov. 16: East Double Fork Bayou, Tom Douglas;
Dec. 8: “Cypress Wonderland” (Trinity River/Lake Charlotte), Tom Douglas;
Dec. 19: Trinity River Christmas Bird Count, Bruce Bodson;
Dec. 28: Old River Christmas Bird Count, Bruce Bodson;
Jan. 4: San Jacinto River Christmas Bird Count, Bruce Bodson.
Mileage leaders and miles paddled were:
David Portz: |
464.80 |
Bruce Bodson: |
407.38 |
Brent Hwang: |
203.55 |
Kent Walters: |
194.67 |
Ken McCormick: |
169.33 |
Amy McGee: |
166.02 |
Alan Nunns: |
158.67 |
Fran Wilcox: |
106.02 |
Natalie Wiest: |
101.07 |
Mary Rogan: |
99.26 |
Mr. Woodcock gave the Boatswain’s report. There was one new member, Constantin Platon.
Mr. Walters gave the Purser’s report. There are some large expenses coming due, but they are covered in the budget. We’re still fine, financially.
Bruce Bodson announced the slate of officers nominated for the coming year. It was moved that the club accept the nominations. It was seconded, and so approved.
Paul Woodcock |
Kent Walters |
Bruce Bodson |
Mr. Roy introduced the evenings speaker, Ms. Charrish Stevens of the US Forest Service, who gave a talk on the freshwater mussels of Texas.
Dan Roy |
Charrish Stevens |
Bob Naeger &
Charrish |
Mr. Naeger adjourned the meeting.