The Nominating Committee Wants You!
Sept 2019
John F. Kennedy famously said; "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."
If you have enjoyed paddling with the Houston Canoe Club for a while, perhaps it is time for you to consider serving your club on the 2020 Board of Directors.
An election nominating committee has been formed to explore candidates for office for the year 2020. The volunteers for this job are Bruce Bodson, Tom Douglas, Amy McGee and Alice Nissen.
The following officers have expressed a willingness to continue to serve next year, subject to approval by membership vote:
Kent Walters
Purser |
Natalie Wiest |
Fleet Captain |
Paul Woodcock |
Boatswain |
Frank Ohrt |
Recorder |
John Rich |
Newsletter Editor |
Commodore Bob Naeger will be stepping down after doing a great job for a year. And our Vice Commodore, Daniel Roy, is also stepping down, after doing a fabulous job coming up with interesting and entertaining meeting programs for us this year. So, both HCC’s Commodore and Vice-Commodore positions need one or more nominees to run for each of those offices to fill the upcoming vacancies. The Commodore leads the club and runs the show, and the Vice-Commodore’s biggest job is to procure programs for club meetings.
Ann Derby will remain as the appointed Sergeant at Arms volunteer, but she needs an assistant. If you can help hook up our laptop and projectors before each meeting, getting them ready for Power Point presentations, this would be a great service to HCC. Please let Ann know.
If anyone wants to run for any Board position, you are welcome to do so and should advise the nominating committee of your intent, to get yourself on the ballot. Nominations from the floor can also be made at the October or November meetings.
The duties of the various officer positions can be found as defined in the Constitution, here.
Those wishing to serve the club will find HCC’s business affairs in very good order, and that the board members get along well with each other, without drama. They work together cooperatively for the well-being of the Club.
If you would like more information about any board position, please contact the nominating committee or any current HCC Board member.
The slate of candidates running for office will be presented at the October 9th meeting, and the election voting will occur the following month at the November 13th meeting. The term of office is one year, and begins on January 1st.