The Houston Canoe Club
is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club Sign the Waiver HCC
Bob Naeger Commodore Bob Naeger called the meeting to order. Officers present were Mr. Naeger, Vice Commodore Dan Roy, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest, Newsletter Editor John Rich, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present were Webmaster Harmon Everett and Conservation Chair Bruce Bodson. Pursuer Kent Walters, and Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby. Mr. Naeger announced that David Portz was the club's new Registered Agent, our official contact person for the State of Texas. He also announced that the online trip waiver and membership forms have been revised; thanks to Gary Masters, we now have forms that can be filled out online. He then asked for a motion to accept the last meeting’s minutes. It was so moved, seconded, and approved. Mr. Woodcock gave the Safety minute, emphasizing the importance of proper footwear when paddling, describing the various styles of such footwear. Paul Woodcock Paul's shoe bag He then gave the Boatswain’s report. There was one new member, Mike Grove, a former member who has re-joined. There were several visitors, including Sid George, Grecian Azoulay, and Dean and Laurie Willberg. Natalie Wiest Ms. Wiest gave the Fleet Captain’s report. Recent trips and trip leaders were: April 20: Trinity River Delta - Bruce Bodson; April 25 - 30: Buffalo River (AR) - Kent Walters; April 28: Colorado River - Bruce Bodson; May 5: “Cypress Wonderland” (Lake Charlotte, etc.) - Tom Douglas; May 19: Lake Charlotte - David Portz; May 26: Colorado River - Bruce Bodson; June 1: Lake Woodlands/Jimmy Buffet concert - Kent Walters; June 2: Colorado River - Bruce Bodson; June 8: Lake Woodlands/Houston Symphony concert - Kent Walters. Frank Ohrt also led an unofficial trip on the Columbus Loop of the Colorado River on May 26. Upcoming trips are: June 16: Colorado River - Bruce Bodson; June 16: White’s and Turtle Bayou - Natalie Wiest; July 7: Lake Woodlands/Santana concert - Kent Walters. Mr. Walters gave the Purser’s report. Same old same old. We’re doing fine. Mr. Roy introduced Dan Oko, who spoke about his many experiences paddling Texas rivers, and the effects of his journeys on his life. Dan Oko Dan Oko Dan Roy & Dan Oko Mr. Naeger adjourned the meeting.
There was no officer's board meeting this month.