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HomeNL-2019-05 6 Education Corner


Education Corner
May 2019

"13 Survival Tips for Canoe Tripping with Children"
"Children can be a challenge on canoe trips. But it’s not all aggravation and sacrifice. The truth is, even toddlers can teach seasoned trippers much about how to enjoy being out there. It’s not just their simple needs and infectious enthusiasm. By adapting to their schedule and abilities, you might adopt a welcome change of pace..."
Complete story: Paddling Magazine 
"A Lesson To Live By"
"After nearly three hours in the frigid waters of Chesapeake Bay, the kayak fisherman was hypothermic and barely conscious. The sun had just set, and if Lana Lohe hadn’t put her camera down at that instant and caught the unusual streak of green in the corner of her eye, then Sean Danielson would certainly have died that April evening..."
Complete story: Paddling Magazine 
"Kayak Fishing FAQs"
"I sometimes forget that there are huge numbers of people joining our ranks, and even more that are curious about why we do what we do. All these newcomers have valid questions about the sport - questions that I simply assume are answered through exposure to the process. As ambassadors of the sport, we all need to have some answers ready..."
Complete story: 
"Kayak Paddle Length - How to Pick the Right Size"
"Besides knowing what to look for in a kayak, a beginner is also challenged with knowing what is the best paddle length to choose. Opinions vary slightly as to what is the most efficient length for a particular paddler although the range of methods is fairly narrow and commonplace throughout the paddling community. Determining the proper kayaking paddle length to use is based on several factors..."
Complete story:
"How Efficiency Could Ruin Sea Kayaking’s Soul"
"Camping is designed to be inefficient. We give up creature comforts. We paddle at three knots when a powerboat could get us there faster. Sometimes we even hire a powerboat to drop us off just so we can paddle back to where we started. We camp to reconnect with the primal, and nothing is more primal than how we cook food..."
Complete story: Paddling Magazine 
"How to Handle Situations When Paddling in a Group"
"The idea is, whatever conditions we’re in, that's just going to continue regardless. We always must be vigilant. I wanted to have a quick discussion on this topic because I think it can be really important. It's funny how quickly we might forget this on the water sometimes just because, we're taking care of someone, or something's happening and we're busy thinking about how to take care of that situation..."
Complete story: 
"Going Straight - Rudder or Skeg?"
"Ask someone not yet savvy to all the nuances of handling a touring/recreational kayak what a rudder is used for and you will probably hear "for steering" as the most common response. Indeed, for as defined by the International Maritime Dictionary, a rudder is a "device for steering and maneuvering." For sea kayakers, however, that definition would better serve if it were modified to read "a device to aid in maneuvering" ..."
Complete story: 
"Launching a Kayak in Surf"
"This video is not an overview of how to launch or how to land, this is simply a couple of lessons that I learned by making mistakes while launching and landing in surf. We were launching from a beach that was a little bit on the steep side, and actually had a very strong undertow..."
Complete story: 

"Paddling Heals And Endures, But It Isn’t Eternal"
"Sitting on a beach on the Oregon Coast, I’m looking at a headland formed 15 million years ago by magma flowing down the ancestral Columbia River. The coastal Siltez would have sat on the same beach and looked at the same headland for millennia. The rivers I run were carved by water over the course of eons. But, Nature’s permanence is an absolute myth..."
Complete story: Paddling Magazine