New American Canoe Association (ACA) Dues Structure
March 2019
by Bob Naeger
ACA has changed the dues structure for all new and renewing members. This will affect HCC individual and family members in different ways. Essentially ACA has done away with family memberships (HCC still has family memberships and the HCC dues structure remains the same). All annual ACA memberships are now $25 per member which is $5 less than the old individual dues. Previous ACA family memberships were $40.
- Individual Memberships - You will receive a membership renewal as usual but you will only be billed for $25 per year.
- Family Memberships - If you currently have an ACA family membership, your renewal dues will be $25 for the primary member and your email should have wording to create individual memberships for each of the other family members if you so wish.
Note for HCC Family Memberships! The primary member has two choices to deal with the ACA changes.
- The primary member can set up individual ACA memberships for each family member at ACA renewal time and that will cover all family members for any HCC water event. For example, a family of two previously paid $40 for an ACA family membership and will now pay $50 for two ACA individual memberships.
- The primary member can change the HCC family membership to an individual membership covering only the primary member and only requiring a single ACA fee. If other members of the family want to attend a HCC water event, they will have to sign a waiver and pay the ACA single event fee ($5) paid for each non-ACA member.
Credit to HASK for creating the form of this article. It was modified slightly to reflect HCC’s practice on ACA event fees.
Read more about the ACA Membership Simplification Initiative here.
The author, Bob Naeger |