The Houston Canoe Club
is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club Sign the Waiver HCC
Bob Naeger Commodore Bob Naeger called the meeting to order. Officers present were Mr. Naeger, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, Newsletter Editor John Rich, Recorder Frank Ohrt, Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby, Webmaster Harmon Everett, and Conservation Chair Bruce Bodson. Mr. Naeger noted the pre-meeting meal at Fuzzy’s Pizza and the post-meeting meal at Jax’s Grill. He then asked for a motion to accept the last meetings’ minutes. It was moved, seconded, and approved. Mr. Woodcock gave the membership report. There were no new members, one visitor, and membership was down slightly, to 147. Christy Long The stalwart Christy Long gave the Fleet Captain’s report, since the Fleet Captain was off gallivanting again. Recent club trips and leaders were: Jan. 8: Lake Charlotte (Tom Douglas); Feb. 8-10: Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend NP (Kent Walters). Upcoming trips and activities include: Feb. 16: TP&W Annual Crab Trap Removal, Christmas Bay (Christmas Bay Foundation, and Brazoria County P&R); March 2: San Marcos River Clean-up (Frank Ohrt); March 10: Buffalo Bayou Regatta (Buffalo Bayou Partnership). Ms. Long then gave the 2018 100-Miler Awards, to David Portz (361 miles), Bruce Bodson (289 miles), Kent Walters (143 miles), Brent Hwang (125 miles), and Fran Wilcox (110 miles). Congratulations to all. 100-Mile Paddlers Kent, Bruce, Fran, David Mr. Ohrt then gave a report on American Whitewater’s study of 20 years of paddling fatalities, listed by cause, river difficulty, region, etc. Bruce Bodson recounted some of his greatest paddling mis-adventures - bad takeouts, bad routes, bad campsites, and “short cuts”. Mr. Walters spoke about his recent trip through Santa Elena Canyon, and how not to get un-stuck from a boulder. Frank Ohrt Bruce Bodson Kent Walters Mr. Naeger announced that Bob Spain would in fact come and address the club, but some other time. It was moved that we adjourn, seconded, and approved.
Commodore Bob Naeger called the meeting to order. Present were Mr. Naeger, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest, Newsletter Editor John Rich, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Purser Kent Walters joined later, by telephone. Mr. Naeger questioned whether we had a speaker for the February membership meeting, and said he wouldn’t cancel the alternate program until he heard directly from the possible speaker, Bob Spain. There was apparently a mis-communication between the out-going and in-coming Vice Commodores. Ms. Wiest, who will be absent next week, said she was going to have the irreplaceable Christy Long give the 100-Miler awards in her place. Ms. Wiest then said we need to choose someone to make the “next meeting” announcements in the Forum. It was decided that it should be the Vice Commodore; if he was unable, she would assume the responsibility, with his input. Mr. Naeger suggested that we reserve the hall at St. Andrew’s Church for December 14, for our next Christmas party. All agreed. Mr. Ohrt said that Liz Dennis, our liaison with St. Andrews, could give them a personal check to reserve the date; Mr. Walters said he’d send them a check the following week, if there was no need to reserve the space as soon as possible. Mr. Naeger asked for opinions on whether to put information about the club’s Certificate of Deposit on the website, as it might invite unscrupulous attention. It was decided not to do so, but to keep members informed about it regularly at meetings. Ms. Wiest announced a change in the structure of ACA dues. Single memberships are reduced from $30 to $25, but there will no longer be any family memberships. Mr. Ohrt said he was making the San Marcos River Clean-up an ACA-sanctioned event. No whining. Ms. Wiest noted that L.L. Bean was offering small grants for outdoor stewardship projects. She asked for the board to think about ideas for such a project. Vice Commodore Dan Roy’s proposal for a day of club-sponsored instruction was discussed. Mr. Ohrt related the difficulties he encountered when he tried to set one up. There were many. Ms. Wiest gave a list of club trips and events that needed trip leaders. Mr. Ohrt said he was in charge of the San Marcos River clean-up. Ms. Wiest said that Ms. Long would coordinate this year’s Trash Bash, and that Mary Zaborowski would likely hold her annual camp-and-paddle event next fall. There was discussion of holding a “Janis and Fraser Baker Memorial” Memorial Day Paddle on the Columbus loop of the Colorado River. Mr. Woodcock offered some suggestions for a “moonlight” paddle. Mr. Naeger declared that we needed to put out an annual club calendar, with dates for important events and deadlines. There was discussion of who might serve as the club’s Registered Agent for official correspondence with the State of Texas. Ms. Wiest moved that we adjourn. It was seconded and approved.