The Houston Canoe Club
is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club Sign the Waiver HCC
Commodore Bob Naeger called the meeting to order, and introduced the officers present: Vice Commodore Dan Roy, Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest, Purser Kent Walters, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, Newsletter Editor John Rich, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Also present were Conservation Chair Bruce Bodson and Sergeant-at-arms Ann Derby. Bob Naeger Audience He then noted the pre-meeting dinner at Thai Cottage, and the customary post-meeting gathering at Jax’s Grill. He asked for a motion to accept the previous meetings’ minutes. It was moved, seconded, and approved. He gave the evening’s Safety Minute, on the “CORALS” strategy in whitewater: Current, Obstacles, Route, Alternate plan, Landmarks, and Safety. Mr. Woodcock gave the Boatswain’s report. Ipse dixit dixit dixit. The members then recited the Purser’s report from memory. We’re in fine shape, financially. Ms. Wiest gave the Fleet Captain’s report. Recent club trips, and their leaders, included: Nov. 17: San Bernard River, Tom Douglas; Dec, 1: “Cypress Wonderland” (Lake Charlotte and Trinity River area), Tom Douglas; Jan. 6: Armand Bayou and Clear Lake (with HASK), Kent Walters; Jan. 8: Scouting the Lake Charlotte sand mounds, Tom Douglas. All the area’s Christmas Bird Counts with river-based routes were cancelled due to high water. The San Marcos River Clean-up, March 3rd, was announced. The total number of club trips and miles for 2018 was 39 trips, covering 2,381 miles. Paul Woodcock Kent Walters Natalie Wiest Mr. Bodson, in a conservation report, announced that the Corps of Engineers had extended their comment period for their proposed coastal hurricane barrier. Mr. Naeger turned the floor over to Mr. Roy, who then introduced William Dupre, professor of geology at the University of Houston, who spoke on the geomorphology of Texas rivers. It was a very interesting talk, and there were many questions. A slideshow of Mr. Dupre's presentation (15 MB PDF document) can be seen by clicking the PDF logo below. Dan Roy Bill Dupre Presentation Mr. Naeger asked for a motion to adjourn; it was moved, seconded, and approved.
Due to the proximity to the New Year's Day holiday, and the absence of any pressing issues, the January Board meeting was canceled.