The Houston Canoe Club
is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club Sign the Waiver HCC
Honey Leveen Commodore Honey Leveen called the meeting to order, and introduced the club officers. Present were Ms. Leveen, Vice Commodore Alice Nissen, Purser Kent Walters, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, Newsletter Editor John Rich, Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. She noted the pre-meeting dinner at Cafe Piquet and post-meeting gathering at Jax’s. She asked that the previous month’s meeting minutes be accepted as written. It was moved, seconded, and approved. Ms. Derby gave a video remembrance of recently deceased long-time club member Martha Hulsebosch Williams and her late husband, Leonard Hulsebosch. Ms. Leveen announced the new officer candidates for 2019. They are Bob Naeger, Commodore; Dan Roy, Vice Commodore; and Bruce Bodson, Conservation Chair. All other officers will run to continue to serve as before. Congratulations to the new officer candidates, and to the club for having such willing and capable leaders. Ms. Leveen gave the Safety Minute on hyponatremia, a dangerously low level of sodium in the blood. It can be caused by drinking way too much water, and led to the death of a Texas Water Safari participant. We all need to be sufficiently hydrated, but don’t overdo it, folks! Mr. Walters gave the Purser’s report. We’re $30.00 ahead of budget for the year, as of Sept. 30. Hooray! Christy Long As the Fleet Captain was off paddling in the wilderness somewhere, Christy Long gave the Fleet Captain’s report. The failure of summer to end kept most of us indoors, but recent club paddles and trip leaders were: Sept. 15: Brazos River (Miles and Mussels #8); Bruce Bodson; Oct. 7: Brazos River (Miles and Mussels #10); Bruce Bodson. Upcoming trips announced, and their leaders, were: Oct. 13: Greens Bayou Regatta; David Portz; Oct. 18 (or thereabouts): Buffalo River; Kent Walters; Oct. 27: Los Brazos Race, Brazos River; Bruce Bodson; Nov.3: Flat Flotilla, Goliad (San Antonio River); Fran Wilcox. Club members have paddled a total of 2,035 miles, on 34 trips, for the year. Ms. Nissen introduced the evening’s speaker, Tom Goynes, President of the Texas Rivers Protection Association. Mr. Goynes spoke about several river protection issues in which his organization was involved. Good work, Tom! Presentation Tom Goynes Ms. Leveen moved that we adjourn. It was seconded and so voted.
Commodore Honey Leveen called the meeting to order. Present were Ms. Leveen, Vice Commodore Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest, Newsletter Editor John Rich, Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Purser Kent Walters participated by telephone. Ms. Derby handed out a protocol for setting up the club’s computer projector, and described the basic set-up so other officers could run the projector if she was unable to attend a meeting. She will hold a training session on doing so before the next general meeting. It was also decided to get an inexpensive USB port splitter. There was a discussion of the proposed slate of officers for the following year. There was some discussion of the proper procedures for club officer elections. The nominees will be announced at the October general meeting, and they will be voted on at the November meeting. Mr. Rich said he will put the list of nominees in the “Waterline”, as well as an obituary for long-time member Martha Hulsebosch Williams. Mr. Walters reported that the club finances were in good order, and within the club’s budget. There was discussion of whether to offer speakers a free dinner before they address the club as well as a gift or donation to a cause of their choosing. It was decided that we should, and that we can afford it. Mr. Walters said he will send out a proposed budget for the coming year. Ms. Wiest said we should discuss it and vote on it. All agreed. There was much discussion of whether to lend our club’s name to the Texas Wildlife Alliance, an organization devoted to gaining state funding for protection of endangered species. There was concern about their participation in political activities, and the possible ramifications for the club’s nonprofit status. It was decided to do further investigation, and that we should ask them to come and speak to the club. Mr. Walters said he will be the speaker at the November general meeting, and talk about being a trip leader. Mr. Rich said he would delete all bad email addresses for the club newsletter. It was decided to use something from the newsletter’s “Education Corner” section for the October meeting’s Safety Minute, and that we should restrict the Safety Minute to one topic. Ms. Leveen asked for someone to take over the paperwork for reserving our meeting space at the Bayland Community Center, and Mr. Walters said he would. She then said she would ask the club’s Webmaster to explain the Club Express “Always Secure” setting. She asked for someone to take over the storage of the club’s Holiday Party supplies, and Mr. Ohrt said he would. Ms. Wiest said she would get together with Mr. Walters and Bill Ohsie of HASK to improve our database for the convenience of future trip leaders. She and Mr. Walters discussed the technical details. Upon a move to adjourn, seconded and approved, Ms. Leveen closed the meeting.