The Houston Canoe Club
is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club Sign the Waiver HCC
Honey Leveen Commodore Honey Leveen called the meeting to order. She introduced the officers present: Vice Commodore Alice Nissen, Purser Kent Walters, Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, Newsletter Editor John Rich, Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. She then urged the members to take a free bio-degradable mesh trash bag, to take on paddle trips. Ms. Leveen called for nominations for next year’s officers. She mentioned a memorial for Dave Kitson, with details to be posted on the Forum. For the Safety Minute, Frank Ohrt suggested that the members not count on other boat operators to have their safety in mind. Mr. Woodcock reminded paddlers to make sure that car keys with electronic door opener buttons are kept in a waterproof manner. Tom Douglas urged members to watch where they put their fingers when holding on to other boats when on (or off) the water. He then noted the danger of stepping into a boat with water in it, as the water can shift and tump the boat over. Kent Walters Paul Woodcock Mr. Walters gave the Purser’s report. Same old same old. It was suggested that he pre-record the next year’s reports, and send them in by holographic projection. Mr. Rich announced that there would be a memorial page for Dave Kitson in the next newsletter. Mr. Woodcock Gave the Boatswain’s report. We have 149 active members, with 27 renewals pending. He said there was a glitch on the website, concerning renewal notices. There is one new member, Brent Hwang. Natalie Wiest Ms. Wiest gave the Fleet Captain’s report. Recent trips (and leaders) were: July 7: Miles and Mussels #3, Trinity River (Bruce Bodson); July 24: Miles and Mussels #4, Brazos River (Bruce Bodson); Aug. 4: Miles and Mussels #5, Brazos River (Bruce Bodson); Aug. 8: San Marcos River (Natalie Wiest). There were two un-official “girls only” trips on Armand Bayou and in Galveston Bay (Fran Wilcox and Alice Nissen). Upcoming trips announced were: Aug. 11: Paddles, burgers and dogs, Dunn residence, Angleton (Forrest Dunn); Sept. 8: Neches River Rally (Fran Wilcox); Oct. 13: Green’s Bayou Regatta; Oct. 13 - 31: Buffalo River, AR (Kent Walters); Oct. 27: 24-mile race, Brazos River (Bruce Bodson). In all, there have been 23 trips this year, with a total mileage of 548; David Portz is the mileage leader with 231. Louis Aulbach The evening’s speaker, Louis Aulbach, needed no introduction. Ms. Nissen introduced him anyway. He was given a respectful welcome, and spoke about paddling in the Big Bend area. He should know. Tom Douglas announced the Green Film Festival at the Rice Media Center, Aug. 15, including a film about nutria. Ms. Leveen adjourned the meeting.
Commodore Honey Leveen called the meeting to order. Present were Ms. Leveen, Vice Commodore Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest, Purser Kent Walters, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, Newsletter Editor John Rich, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Ms. Wiest apologized for not having kept up with the mileage logs. (She’s been busy, marrying off a kid.) She also said that she might miss the membership meeting. It was agreed that, if so, someone would read her report. The only new trip was member Forrest Dunn’s invitation to all members to meet at his lakeside house near Angleton on August 11, for dogs and a paddle. Mr. Woodcock announced that the club has 149 current members, with 30 or so pending renewals. There was discussion of trying to keep up with Bruce Bodson, and of using the “pitch” style J-stroke. Ms. Nissen noted that Louis Aulbach would speak at the next week’s meeting, and Beth Johnson would speak in September. Alice is resigning to let someone else have a chance to be Vice Commodore Ms. Leveen opened discussion of finding next year’s officers, and announced that she would probably be moving to Florida in 2019. She announced that she, Christy Long,and Harmon Everett would serve as the officer search committee. Mr. Walters, Ms. Wiest, Mr. Rich and Mr. Ohrt agreed to serve in their respective offices for another year. Mr. Ohrt asked Mr. Walters if he had written next year’s Purser reports yet. There was discussion of the sad passing of long-time member Dave Kitson. Mr. Rich said he would include a in memoriam in the next newsletter. Ms. Wiest discussed our possible payment of $160.00 to Club Express for an option to customize our data base to give downloadable up-to-date listings of ACA members, who has waivers on file, etc., for the convenience of trip leaders. Mr. Woodcock reported on having an HCC table set up at the Schlumberger Environment Day. There was discussion of the next meeting’s Safety Minute, and various aspects of the recent duck boat disaster in Missouri. Pertinent aspects included apparent current weather versus forecasts of bad weather, and not counting on others to insure your personal safety. As in woodworking, if it doesn’t feel safe, it probably isn’t. Ms. Wiest announced that HCC had been invited to join the Texas Alliance for America’s Fish and Wildlife. As no one could see the point, the invitation was declined. Mr. Walters reported that the club was $228.00 richer than last month. Hooray! He then said, with respect to trip leader recruitment, we might have a “trip leader checklist” protocol on the website, as well as printed out on paper, and made available at meetings. John Rich said we should have downloadable pdf's for common area paddles, including maps, directions, emergency numbers, route descriptions, etc. Everyone agreed. Ms. Leveen said she would be unable to attend the September 5th officers meeting, and asked someone to volunteer to preside in her place. Mr. Woodcock said that some members had complained about the time taken for Forum posts to be moderated and posted. It was agreed to have other officers available for moderating postings. (John Rich subsequently notified the officers that there were four officers with moderation privileges.) After a brief struggle, Ms. Leveen managed to get the officers present to stop yakking and formally adjourn the meeting, and they did so.