Commodore Honey Leveen called the meeting to order,. Present were Ms. Leveen, Vice-commodore Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, Newsletter Editor John Rich, and Recorder Frank Ohrt. Purser Kent Walters joined by telephone.
Mr. Walters gave the Purser’s report. There were some extra expenses in May (the club P.O. box, annual website dues, an upgrade to the club computer), but we are nevertheless slightly ahead for the month and year. Hooray.
Ms. Wiest gave the Fleet Captain’s report. Rather than go over the trip report twice in subsequent meetings, she elected to save it for the Membership Meeting. She and Mr. Rich discussed the location of, and access to, the current mileage logs on the website. Mr. Walters joined in, everyone else lay low, and, in the end, all was well.
Ms. Leveen asked Mr. Walters to make less noise with his candy wrapper, please.
Mr. Woodcock gave the Boatswain’s report. We are back up to 152 members. There was discussion of who some of the returning members were. Me. Woodcock mentioned that Schlumberger invited HCC to join a Health, Safety and Environment day, and that he would be willing to set up an HCC table for it.
Ms. Nissen went over the list of speakers for the coming few months’ Membership Meetings. For June, it will be Tom Douglas, on paddling the Trinity River basin. for July, Dan Roy will talk about building a wooden kayak. In August, Louis Aulbach will talk about expedition paddling in Big Bend.
Ms. Wiest asked Mr. Rich if the 2017 mileage log had been posted. He said that it had. Ms. Nissen said she is having trouble getting her membership renewal registered on the website. Mr. Woodcock said it had probably just not been entered properly and that he would look in to it.
Ms. Leveen discussed several possible topics for Safety Minutes. She suggested that the next one be on securing you boats to vehicles properly, with front and back safety lines. Mr. Ohrt suggested a reminder to hydrate properly when paddling. Mr. Rich said we need to remind members to keep a record of our boats’ hull numbers, in case they walked off somewhere. Mr. Ohrt suggested we all get “If found...” ID stickers, and Mr. Rich said he’d try to get some for the members.
Ms. Leveen asked if we should try to have an Officers Meeting on July 4th, and we all decided that we should defer to the holiday.
Ms. Leveen then adjourned the meeting.