The Houston Canoe Club
is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club Sign the Waiver HCC
Commodore Honey Leveen called the meeting to order. She mentioned the pre-meeting dinner at Fuzzy’s Pizza, and the post-meeting gathering at Jax’s. She asked that the minutes of the last months’ meetings be approved. It was so moved, seconded, and approved. She mentioned the 2018 Holiday Party, and passed around a “get well” card for Dave Kitson, who is hospitalized. She then introduced the officers present: Vice-commodore Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, Recorder Frank Ohrt, Newsletter Editor John Rich and Webmaster Harmon Everett. Purser Kent Walters arrived late. She then gave the Safety Minute, reminding everyone who wears glasses to make sure they are secure before getting on the water. She then gave the Purser’s report, in Mr. Walter’s absence. We are down for the year, but up from last month. All is well, and the full report is available to those interested. Mr. Woodcock gave the Boatswain’s report. He also announced that Cliff Jameson had donated some books to the club, and that they were free for the asking. Ms. Wiest gave the Fleet Captain’s report. Recent trips and trip leaders were: April 8-12: Buffalo River, AR ( Christy Long); April 23: San Bernard River (Steven Page); April 26-29: Devil’s River (Natalie Wiest) (unofficial); April 29: Lake Charlotte (Tom Douglas). Upcoming trips are: May 5: Navidad River (David Portz); June 2: “Cypress Wonderland” (Tom Douglas); June 9: Watching the Texas Water Safari (Christy Long); Ms. Wiest reported 12 HCC trips for 2018, with a total of 919 miles paddled. She noted that there would be an ACA Introduction to Kayaking class on May 12, and that HCC member Scott Miller would participate in the Water Safari. Best of luck to him. May he finish! Mr. Walters then showed some videos of his recent trip on the Buffalo River, at a high water level. Ms. Leveen then introduced Christy Long, who spoke about packing for multi-day self-supported paddling trips - food, clothing, furniture, housing, and hygiene. Ms Leveen then adjourned the meeting.
Due to a scarcity of things to discuss, there was no officers’ meeting for May.