HCC Newsletter
June-July, 2001
Newsletter, 2.6 meg Pdf document, click the image below:
Houston Canoe Club Officer’s Meeting
Meeting Minutes
June 4, 2001
The meeting was called to order at 6:40. Officers present were Commodore Fraser Baker, Recorder, Marilyn Peery, Purser Candy Donahue, Fleet Captain Cheryl Cleary, Newsletter Editor Donna Grimes, and Governors Mary Carter and Bill Grimes (governor-elect).
Wednesday Paddle for the Quality of Life Coalition – Fraser announced that we had 3 paddlers from the club for the Wednesday paddle. This is sponsored by the Bayou Preservation Association.
Club Tee Shirt – We discussed printing a club tee shirt. Consensus was for the unofficial club emblem on the chest with a picture on the back. Fraser agreed to do a design for the back, check prices, as well as check into the practicality of polyester shirts (there was concern that a design could not be heated treated onto polyester.)
The e-mail minutes from the last meeting were approved. By-law changes were discussed. It was decided that no important changes are required at this time and the matter was tabled.
Lillian has been unable to contact Jamie Butler to see if he will still be able to do the June program. Back-up possibilities are Bill and Donna’s power point presentation from the Christmas party or someone giving a program on a previous trip. Bill will need a week to get his presentation in order. The decision on the program will be Lillian’s.
Candy reported that she received verification that our storage shed is paid up for 13 months.
Also, thank-you letters for our Rendezvous donations have been received from the ACA Red River Division, the Galveston Bay Foundation and TRPA and also our $50 donation to the Audubon Society.
Donna reported that more new member packets are being made. REI is out of membership applications. Mary Carter will take more to them on Saturday. Our supply is low. Either Ann Derby our Paula Dittrick probably had them made. We will find out where they were done. Also, since there has been talk of raising dues, this should be done before more are printed. This should be done before the Rendezvous.
Donna has checked dues for other clubs and they are $20 or $25. Without Rendezvous funds, we had deficits of $1,700 in 1998, $3,400 in 1999 and $2,200 in 2000. Everyone agreed that we should raise dues. Possibilities include $20 renewal and $25 for new members, $25 renewal and $30 for new members, a flat $25 rate for everyone, or a different price for family memberships. We will decide on the wording of a motion at the July officer’s meeting to bring before the club at the July general meeting. Mary will check on the proper procedure for raising dues as it will probably entail a by-laws change.
Donna needs trip reports. She suggested that trip leaders ask someone to write a report about their trip. She also needs Mary Carter’s picture for her newsletter bio. Getting the newsletter on-line is still a problem. Fraser will continue working on it. It was suggested that we ask to see how many people are using it. Trip report mileage for trip leaders was discussed. Presently, leaders receive double mileage. There will be no change for now.
An election will be held at the general meeting for Governor, Bill Grimes.
Inventory and corporate records were discussed. Lillian has the Articles of Incorporation, Marilyn has minutes from previous years, Candy has financial records and Mark has tax records. Members will be quizzed to see what club property they may have at their homes and Mary and Bill will do an inventory sometime this summer.
Martha Williams is answering hotline inquires. Rendezvous questions are being referred to Mica.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Peery
Houston Canoe Club General Meeting
Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2001
The meeting was called to order by the Commodore, Fraser Baker, at 7:05 PM at the new Central Market on Westheimer. He introduced the officers present: Recorder Marilyn Peery, Fleet Captain Cheryl Cleary, Governors Mary Carter and Mark Andrus and Governor-Elect Bill Grimes. There were 33 people present. Bill Grimes was elected governor to fill the vacancy.
The program, videos comparing rescue techniques from 1934 and today, was presented by Chet Tigard.
Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved. There is presently $25,984.93 in the club treasury.
Cheryl Cleary presented the Fleet Captain’s report. Up coming trips may be found on the club web site.
Visitors and new members were introduced.
Jim Null reported on Rendezvous progress. Linda Gorski, Publicity and Exhibitor Chairman, has moved to England. Much of her work has been done and Misty Jones will help but more assistance is needed. Cheryl Cleary agreed to help on site and Mark Andrus also volunteered to assist.
Fraser Baker presented possible designs for a club T-shirt and asked if members were interested. He will check on the cost for them.
Bill Grimes announced that the governors are trying to inventory club property and asked members to let him know if they have any club property at their homes.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Peery