HCC Newsletter
April, 2001
Newsletter, 796k Pdf document, click the image below:
Houston Canoe Club Officer’s Meeting
Meeting Minutes
April 3, 2001
The meeting was called to order by Commodore, Fraser Baker. Officers present included, Lillian Tigard, Vice-commodore, Marilyn Peery, Recorder, Candy Donahue, Purser, Cheryl Cleary, Fleet Captain, Newsletter Editor, Donna Grimes, and Governor, Mark Andrus. Jim Null, Rendezvous Chairman, was also present.
The minutes were approved as read.
Jim Null has the Rendezvous Management Contract ready for Fraser to sign.
Fraser reported that he had talked with Bob Scheffler. Bob expressed his desire to remain a governor but did not come to tonight’s meeting. Fraser will write a letter requesting his resignation.
A committee was appointed to work on revision of the constitution and by-laws. This committee will consist of John Bartos, Bob Arthur, Fraser Baker, Mary Carter, Jim Null, Candy Donahue, and Mark Andrus. A chairman will be chosen by the committee.
Donna moved that some money, perhaps up to $5,000, be taken from Rendezvous profits and put into the Hulsebosch Memorial Fund. After considerable discussion, the motion was tabled. Designation of 2001 Rendezvous profits was also discussed. Jim will work on a proposal to bring before the club. Jim, Candy, Louis and Mark will meet to discuss procedures for handling Rendezvous finances.
Fraser suggested that a hotline number for reporting environmental abuse be added to our web site. This would be handled by our new conservation committee. He also suggested having the committee give a five to ten minute report or update at the general meetings.
The program at the April meeting will be presented by Karl Elers of the Audubon Society. He will need a carousel projector. Jim will bring his. Suggestions for the May program included Tom Goynes or Bryan Adams. The spotlight paddle will be April 22 on Armand Bayou led by Mary Carter.
Candy will ask the membership at the next meeting to approve paying for our storage area one year in advance. It will simplify payment and give us the 13th month free. She also suggested printing the cash flow in the newsletter so members would know what it costs to run the club.
Donna reported on the duties of the membership committee. She has ordered more stationery to use for printing welcome letters. She will bring a copy of the brochure being given to prospective members. Fraser suggested including addresses on the guest/new member sign in sheet so we can send a welcome letter. She will also look into having business cards printed. She would like to get the Rendezvous mailing list and send letters to Houston participants who are not HCC members. She also wants to send letters to 2,000 members who have not renewed in 2001.
The April newsletter is on-line. Fraser will work with her to try to streamline the process of getting it online.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Peery
Houston Canoe Club General Meeting
Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2001
The meeting was called to order by the Commodore, Fraser Baker. Officers present included Lillian
Tigard, Vice Commodore, Marilyn Peery, Recorder, Candy Donahue, Purser, Donna Grimes, Newsletter Editor, Cheryl Cleary, Fleet Captain and Governor Mary Carter.
Karl Elers presented an interesting program on Texas birding with a special emphasis on High Island.
The minutes were read and approved. The fleet captain’s report was presented.
Candy presented the treasurer’s report. A motion to pay one year in advance on our storage area passed. This will give us the 13th month free.
Guests were introduced. Donna reported that we now have business cards and encouraged members to carry them plus a couple of applications to pass out to anyone interested in the club.
John Bartos reported for the conservation committee that TPWD will hold a public hearing on April 19th at C.E. King Middle School from 7 to 9 PM to discuss plans for new facilities at Sheldon Reservoir.
Jim Null reported that campsites for Rendezvous may be reserved now by filling out and mailing in a form with a check.
Kevin Casement presented Jim Null with the Rendezvous Chairman’s Loving Cup.
Candy Donahue moved that Rendezvous profits, less money needed to run the club, be donated to the Hulsebosch Memorial Fund. Donna Grimes seconded the motion. John Bartos amended the motion to read that a portion of the Rendezvous profits should go to the Hulsebosch Memorial Fund. Bob Arthur seconded the amendment. The amendment passed.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Peery