Position |
Current Officer |
2016 Appointment |
Conservation Chair |
John Bartos |
John Bartos |
Webmaster |
Greg Walker |
Jessica Kuhn |
John Bartos |
Jessica Kuhn |
Please attend the November general membership meeting on November 11th to vote on these candidates, or to make other nominations from the floor.
As a refresher, here are the duties and office descriptions as defined in the club constitution:
Duties of the Board of Directors include:
1. promote and implement objectives of the Club;
2. set policies and rules with the advice and consent of the membership;
3. authorize expenditures of up to five hundred ($500). Expenditures over five hundred ($500)
must be approved by the membership at a regular or a special meeting;
4. approve deposits of Club funds in checking or savings accounts or appropriate investments, as
recommended by the Purser; and
5. conduct Club business between regular meetings.
Duties of the Commodore include:
1. preside over General Membership Meetings and over the Board of Directors Meetings;
2. appoint a nominating committee of at least three (3) persons with at least one (1) person
being selected from the membership to compile a slate of qualified candidates for each
office to be filled for the upcoming year at the August General Meeting;
3. fill vacancies;
4. appoint committees; and
5. represent the Club in communications with other organizations.
Duties of the Vice-Commodore include:
1. assist the Commodore in the discharge of his duties;
2. preside in the absence of the Commodore;
3. be responsible for a program at regular meetings;
4. post the General Meeting program to the website; and
5. maintain and keep current the documents of incorporation of the Club.
Duties of the Fleet Captain include:
1. coordinate the planning of Club trips;
2. solicit trip coordinators for trips;
3. maintain and distribute trip coordinator packets to trip coordinators;
4. act as a source of information for the members concerning rivers and waterways;
5. conduct a review of past trips and announce upcoming trips at regular meetings;
6. post upcoming trips to the web site;
7. post classes to the web site;
8. be the Club contact for upcoming trips, outings and activities;
9. keep a log of Club trips and outings (to include, at a minimum, dates, names of attendees
and places of trips);
10. compile a list of trip statistics to be reported to the General Membership for review no later
than the February General Meeting after the closing of the year; and
11. at the option of the Fleet Captain, compile a listing of award recipients such as 100 mile
paddlers, trip coordinators, and notable paddlers, which awards to be presented no later
than the March General Meeting after the closing of the year.
Duties of the Purser include:
1. collect all monies due and pay all accounts owed;
2. keep a correct record and account of all monies received and paid out;
3. maintain a current roster;
4. deposit the funds of the Club, in the name of the Club, in a depository or depositories approved
by the Board of Directors;
5. present at each regular and Board meeting cash flow and balance reports stating the financial
condition of the Club;
6. present a written, detailed and complete annual financial statement of all Club activities for the
prior calendar year no later than the March meeting;
7. control all permanent property of the Club, both real and personal and make such rules and
regulations for their care and use; and
8. with assistance from the Officers of the Club, conduct an inventory of Club property and present
said inventory at the October meeting and have this listing available to the members at all
regular meetings.
Duties of the Recorder include:
1. keep a log of the proceedings of General Membership and Board meetings;
2. maintain custody of all reports and documents connected with the Club;
3. conduct the Club correspondence; and
4. give notice of all special meetings.
Duties of the Boatswain include:
1. pursue, engage and coordinate the introduction of new members to paddling;
2. coordinate the Welcome Table to be present at each general meeting;
3. prepare and distribute New Member Packets;
4. promote the HCC in the local community including the participation at appropriate events, fairs
and open houses;
5. coordinate a new member paddle at least every three months;
6. update and coordinate development of the website; and.
7. maintain and post membership renewal forms to the website.
The Boatswain may form a Membership Committee to assist with these duties.
Duties of the Newsletter Editor include:
1. management, preparation and distribution of a monthly newsletter; and
2. posting of relevant News Items to the website.
Nominating Committe Chairwoman,
Christy Long |