Trinity River
Feb. 2014
by Kent Walters
This was officially a HASK trip with permission granted to HCC members to participate. Will Blumentritt, Gary Ables and his son, Chase, and I participated.
We all arrived around 9:00 AM and worked the shuttle. The put-in at the Highway 105 crossing of the Trinity River was a ways from the parking near the bridge, but not a difficult trek.
A "slow" group of 4 set out first, and then the rest of us hit the water about 15 minutes later. We received our instructions from Chris Arceneaux, the trip leader, and moved off with a fairly consistent 1.5 mph flow. There were quite a few trees sticking up in the river, and a couple of shallow places and riffles, but it was generally pretty easy paddling if you kept your eyes forward.
Overall the river was fairly wide and had pretty high banks. Vegetation was generally browned off from the winter kill, but many commented about how nice this river would look in the springtime. There were quite a few large sand bars with actual white sand - something you don't see on every Texas river. There were even large sand dunes in one section. We saw an osprey and a bald eagle about 20 yards from each other.
We never did catch up with the "slow" group, and Will disappeared from our rear guard fairly early on. The last of us arrived at the take-out just outside of Liberty at about 5:30, completing our 28+ mile adventure for the day.
HCC Participants: Will Blumentritt, Gary Ables, Kent Walters.
Paddling Miles: 28.6
The author, Kent Walters |