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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HCC Website Forum

Thumbnail photo viewer
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Sorry, about misusing the forum.  I'll continue the conversation privately, John.
One should never infer that just because one of my hobbies is marksmanship, that there is any kind of threat from that.
John, maybe they have seen your accuracy targets on Facebook and decided it was best to fix the web page problem.
Problem fixed, one hour later!
Members, FYI.  Below is a message which I sent to Club Express Tech Support. 

I have a problem with the thumbnail photos in my web pages. The pages created in the last two months seem to work fine, older pages do not. When you click on a thumbnail you should get a pop-up large size photo. This isn't working for pages created more than two months ago.

For example, look at this page:

Click on any of the thumbnails and see what happens: The screen flashes, the page scrolls back to the very top (which it shouldn't), and there's no pop-up large photo. Nothing. Nada. Nyet.

Here's a link from last month where everything works fine:

Seems to be a problem with the photo database or photo viewer.

Please fix.

Do NOT tell me that all of the photos are lost.

John Rich
Houston Canoe Club

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