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Cadron Creek - Middle and North Forks - all reaches - NEW SCHEDULE
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About this event
Mother Nature has conspired against our original schedule. Tuesday and Wednesday looked perfect last week, but now they are really ugly with thunderstorms, wind and potential tornados. With that in mind, I am instituting a 2-day offset. The trip will now take place from Thurs-Sat, May 9-11.
Latest plan looks like this:
THURSDAY: Meet at Hwy 124 bridge at noon, shuffle and shuttle to Hwy 356 put-in, paddle 6.4 miles. Set up camp at Woolly Hollow State Park and cook dinner.
FRIDAY: Meet at Hwy 65 Bridge (Ozark Rd) at 9:00 am, shuffle and shuttle to Hwy 124, paddle 15.5 miles, return to camp, eat at a restaurant.
SATURDAY: Break camp, meet at Hwy 285 at 9:00 am, shuffle and shuttle to Hwy 65 put-in, paddle 10.1 miles, go home.
Understanding that everyone has different schedules, this trip is structured in a modular format so you can enter and/or leave on any of the three days by joining at put-ins or take-outs. Just let me know how you want to intersect with this trip by this coming Wednesday.
Event Contact(s)
Kent Walters
Registration Info
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