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Brazos River, US 290 to SH 159
Meet at 0800 at the take out- SH 159 and the Brazos, west bank.
Registration Info
RSVP only
About this event
This is an interesting segment of the Brazos and not overly long. Distance is roughly 14.80 miles. This segment has only one unusual hazard, at the demolished railroad bridge roughly 1.8 miles below the put in. Otherwise, this is a pleasant run, with a few riffles and interesting fossils and mussels along the bars.
We will meet at 0800 at the SH 159 bridge and shuttle up to US 290. The Take out at SH 159 is on the west bank of the Brazos. For the put in at US 290, it is on the east bank. Both the put in and take out are a bit difficult.
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