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  The Houston Canoe Club
Share our Joy of Paddling!

P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HCC General Forum

Trash Bash at Armand Bayou – March 29

What: Annual “Trash Bash” Cleanup on Armand Bayou             

When: Saturday March 29 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Where: Bay Area Park Boat Ramp, 7500 Bay Area Boulevard, Pasadena, TX

Register at:

Join in the effort to clean up one of the favorite paddling destinations in the Houston area. This is a great opportunity for the paddling community to “give back.”

Sign up for your participation as part of our club through the HCC Event Calendar at The contact person for HCC is Tom Douglas. Event Coordinator for the Galveston Bay Foundation is Elisa O’Neal

When you register through the Trash Bash website, be sure to list “Houston Canoe Club” as your organization. More details about the Armand Bayou site, including driving directions, are posted at To save a few minutes at the registration table, please download the required Trash Bash waiver form ahead of time, fill it out, and bring it with you. 

Trash Bash® t-shirts are available at registration the morning of the event on a first-come first-serve basis. All volunteers are invited to stay after the cleanup for a free lunch and drawings for prizes. 

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