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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HCC General Forum

Brazos Bend State Park, Christmas Bird Count, Satu...
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This is to invite anyone interested in participating to come out and join us on Saturday December 14 for the Brazos Bend Christmas Bird Count. I am transitioning into being the compiler for this count and would appreciate all the participation we can get out there!

This count has been a productive one, hanging right around 150 species in a normal year. Admission to the park is free for counters, and there is a free barbecue countdown dinner in the Park dining hall, sponsored by NRG.

The following is the registration link for the count. You do need to register in order for us to assign you to a count team. Note that you can request specific teams at registration.

I hope to see you out there at the park!


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