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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HCC General Forum

HCC Christmas Party!
Frank Ohrt

The HCC Christmas party will be held at Brent and Jessica Hwang's home from 5:00 to 8:00 PM, on Sunday, Dec. 8th. Be sure to register for the event in the Event Calendar, as seating is limited. Members may register themselves and a spouse (or "plus-1").

Please see the event listing for further details.

Frank Ohrt

It's only a week until the Christmas party. There are currently plenty of spaces available, but that may not last, so don't put off registering until the last minute! Joe and the Bartos's are bringing turkey and ham, Frank and Liz are bringing dressing, Alice and Harmon are bringing beverages, Chuck Falk is making tamales, and Joe is making flan. We need side dishes, 2-3 more deserts, and 21 more people.🎅🏻🌲🧅🧄🥖🍖🍗🥧

Frank Ohrt


 Here’s a list of who is bringing what. sorry about any typos - I mashed my thumb.

Frank ohrt and liz Dennis: dressing (x2);

The Bartos’s: turkey

Joe Coker: ham, sweet potatoes, flan;

Alice Nissen: cider and salad;

Chuck falk: tamales;

Bob Scaldino: a desert;

Doug Fairchild: a desert;

Christy Long: green beans;

Bob Naeger: Cheese-stuffed bell peppers.

 Obviously, we could use more side dishes, another desert, another salad, and some lemonade. Let’s step up, folks, or we’ll have slim pickings. Give me a call or email, and let me know what you can add to the dinner.



Frank Ohrt

One last posting: All of us who attended the Christmas party owe Brent and Jessica Hwang our gratitude for offering their lovely home for the party. It was a lot of work for them, and we couldn't have done it without them.

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