Chambers County is currently developing a Thoroughfare Plan, which is a long-range planning tool that will ensure that right-of-way is maintained for future roadways. The Plan will propose approximate alignments of future roads, with a planning horizon of 50+ years.
Proposed roadways of particular significance to paddlers are two east-west roads across the Trinity River, one running just to the north of Lake Charlotte and the other just to the south of Lake Miller. A proposed north-south road would cross both the East and West Forks of Double Bayou near Oak Island, and two other roads would each cross one of the forks farther upstream.
You can view a map of the Thoroughfare Plan at, where you can also post comments. The deadline for posting comments is this coming Tuesday, November 12. If you have concerns about how wildlife, historic sites, tourism, etc. in any of these areas might be affected by the construction of a road through them, this is your opportunity to express them to the County. You can submit a photo along with your comment, if you wish.