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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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Buffalo Bayou on-the-water clean up with United by...
brent hwang

A non-profit merchant organization called United by Blue is organizing Buffalo Bayou clean up event this Friday the 11th in conjunction with Buffalo Bayou Partnership and they have asked our assitance with on-the-water clean up effort.

United by Blue

Christy is in the pricess placing this event on our calender and I am trying to get the visibiity and sign up going as soon as possible. Padding on the B Bayou for any excuse will be nice (we willl launch and take out from Allen's landing) but the sponsers are rolling out drinks, lunch, free t shirt and merchandises also for those particpating. please see below and if you are available, I would like to see you in the water.

 This link has all the information as well as the sign up portal.

Who: United by Blue, Buffalo Bayou Partnership, Olipop

What: A cleanup on and around the Bayou

Where: Allen's landing

When: 9am to noon Friday October 11th

Free: Shirts, lunch (tacos), prebiotic soda, water bottles, stickers, and a chance to win duffle bags/ backpacks made out of recycled materials.

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