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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HCC Conservation Forum

What’s in the Creek Besides Water?

What: On-Site Sewage Facilities Workshop

When: Thursday August 22, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Where: Houston-Galveston Area Council Building, 3555 Timmons Lane, Houston (in-person and online)

Register: OSSF Workshop Registration 

In areas that are not served by a sanitary sewer collection system, wastewater is treated through use of decentralized On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSFs).

When OSSFs are not properly designed, sited, or maintained, they can become a source of pollution that can enter our streams and groundwater. This is a major concern because there are more than 360,000 OSSFs in the immediate 15-county area around Houston. (See the 2024 Water Quality Management Plan Update.)

The August 22 workshop is being offered by the Clean Waters Initiative program, which helps local governments, landowners, and residents develop effective strategies to reduce pollution.

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