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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HCC Paddling Forum

Short trip on Armand Bayou for July 3

I have just posted a short trip on the bayou for Wednesday, July 3. Sign up on our Events calendar if you would like to participate. It will be a hot one, so be sure to wear sunscreen, a hat, and bring plenty of water.


Please note I have RESCHEDULED this trip to Friday July 5. Same meeting time of day (8:30) and place (Bay Area Park). I had an unanticipated conflict for the earlier date, this will be a good way to work off 4th of July picnic eating and drinking...It will be a hot one, sign up on the HCC Event Calendar; make sure your club waiver is up to date, and plan to dine afterward with us at Miller's Cafe here in the Clear Lake area.

Carl Kuhnen

Linda and I took the new pastor of Linda's (and Linda Day's) church out for a couple of hours of kayaking on Armand Bayou yesterday. We saw two small alligators cruising around the put-in area but none the rest of the day. We even went on down to Horsepen Bayou to try to show Tony the big ones, but none were out. Maybe it was too hot even for them. This was Tony's first time kayaking and maybe his first gators.

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