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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HCC Paddling Forum

Brazos, US 290 to SH 159
Bruce Bodson

I will be leading a trip on the Brazos on September 9 from US 290 to SH 159. This trip is a bit under 15 miles, as opposed to the previously planned roughly 30 mile run.


This segment has no real hazards, other than a demolished railroad bridge at mile 1.8. There are a few riffles and sweeping turns, but no real rapids. The put in is moderate and the take out is a bit tough.


This is a pretty reasonable run for folks who have been interested in trying the Brazos but have been concerned about the distances.

"He who hears the rippling of rivers in these degenerate days will not utterly despair." H.D. Thoreau

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