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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2018-12 3 Last Meeting Minutes


Last Meeting Minutes
by Frank Ohrt

Houston Canoe Club
General Membership Meeting
November 14, 2018
Bayland Park Community Center
Recorder: Frank Ohrt

  Honey Leveen
  Commodore Honey Leveen called the meeting to order. She thanked those who had attended the pre-meeting dinner at Jax’s grill, and noted that there would be members getting a late bite there after the meeting. She then asked that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. They were. 

  She announced that the club’s proposed budget for 2019 was on the website, and invited members to look at it. She reminded the members of the holiday dinner on Dec. 15. Recorder Frank Ohrt said it would be from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, at St. Andrews Church on Heights Boulevard. Ms. Leveen then invited everyone to send photos to Webmaster Harmon Everett, so he could make up a computer display of them for the dinner. She then asked for the donation of a used computer for the club, if anyone had one. 

Bruce Bodson  
  Conservation Chair Bruce Bodson gave the Conservation Report, noting various Christmas Bird Counts in the area that needed participants in canoes or kayaks. These were: Dec. 15, Brazos Bend; Dec. 27, Trinity River Bottomlands; Jan. 1, San Jacinto Wilderness; Jan 5, Brazoria County. He then called attention to the various plans for the mitigation of hurricane damage on the coast. 

  Ann Derby
  Ms. Leveen praised the officers who served in 2018, and introduced those who were present. They were Ms. Leveen, Vice Commodore Alice Nissen, Purser Kent Walters, Boatswain Paul Woodcock, Mr. Ohrt, Newsletter Editor John Rich, Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby, Mr. Everett, and Mr. Bodson. Christy Long introduced the nominees for officers for 2019. The only new officers were Bob Naeger for Commodore and Dan Roy for Vice Commodore. All other officers had agreed to serve for another year. Mr. Naeger had previously served as Purser for 3 1/2 years; Mr. Roy was a first-time nominee. The members  were asked to approve the nominees, and it was so voted by the members present. Condolences to the losing candidates.

  Mr. Ohrt gave the Safety Minute, describing various safety issues when paddling rivers at high water.  Easy to get on the river, not always so easy to get off. 

  Mr. Woodcock gave the Boatswain’s Report. There were no new members, but 12 members renewed, for a total of 143 members.  There were two visitors present.

Frank Ohrt   Paul Woodcock

  Christy Long
  Ms. Long, standing in for Fleet Captain Natalie "Gone Paddlin’" Wiest, gave the Fleet Captain’s Report. Recent club trips and their leaders were:

Oct. 13, Greens Bayou Regatta (David Portz);
Oct. 28, Armand Bayou (Natalie Wiest);
Nov. 3, Goliad Fall Flotilla (Fran Wilcox).

  The Oct. 22 Brazos de Dios Race, on the Brazos River, was cancelled due to high water. Brent Hwang asked if there was a way to see, online, which other members might be signed up for non-HCC paddle trips and events. Various members told him how to do it. Upcoming trips announced were:

Nov. 17, San Bernard River (Tom Douglas);
Nov. 17, Lower Guadelupe River (San Antonio Bay Partnership).

  Ms. Long noted the year’s total number of trips and number of miles paddled by members, and listed the members with the most miles paddled so far in 2018.

  Ms. Leveen then introduced Mr. Walters, who gave a presentation on paddling the Buffalo River, and how to organize a multi-day trip as trip leader.

 Kent Walters
  Ms. Leveen asked for a motion to adjourn. It was moved, seconded, and so voted.

General Meeting Recorder,
Frank Ohrt

Houston Canoe Club
Board Meeting
November 7, 2018
Bayland Park Community Center
Recorder: Frank Ohrt
  Commodore Honey Leveen called the meeting to order. Officers present were Ms. Leveen, Vice Commodore Alice Nissen, Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest, Purser Kent Walters, Newsletter Editor John Rich, Recorder Frank Ohrt, and Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Derby. Also attending were Bob Naeger and Dan Roy, who were nominated for Commodore and Vice Commodore for 2019, respectively. 

  Ms. Derby asked for volunteers to get the A/V equipment from her in Sugarland, if she were unable to attend a membership meeting. 

  Ms. Wiest gave an abbreviated Fleet Captain’s report. She said that club members had paddled a total of 2,328 miles, in 38 trips, for the year so far. those with the most miles were David Portz (361), Bruce Bodson (289), Kent Walters (186.9), Brent Hwang (125.8), and Fran Wilcox (105.1).  She then announced that the San Antonio Bay Foundation would hold a paddle on the lower Guadalupe river on Nov. 17. 

  Mr. Walters related that his touted Buffalo River trip fell apart, and that, as Mr. Rich was always asking for more trip reports, he sent in a fake one, complete with pictures from the internet. His mileage total was penalized 43.2 miles, plus 100 miles for good measure, and all had a good laugh, except for Ms. Wiest, who was properly indignant and insisted on an outside audit of the club’s finances.

  Mr. Walters then gave the financial report, with graphs and extensive documentation of the club’s finances. We’re in good shape. He then provided a detailed budget for 2019, and called attention to our annual donations. There was some discussion of whether to limit them to organizations directly involved with rivers and paddling. 

  Ms. Nissen reported on programs for the membership meetings. She has been unable to reach the person she had in mind for January’s meeting, but had a back-up speaker in mind. She gave Mr. Roy a list of ideas for speakers with supporting notes. There was discussion of various ideas for speakers.

  Ms. Leveen asked if we should donate $100.00 to the Citizens Environmental Coalition to underwrite their Wild and Scenic Film Festival, and get our name on their list of sponsors for publicity for the club. It was agreed to do so. 

  She then asked for approval of Mr. Walters’ proposed budget, and putting it on the website, for viewing by club members only. It was so agreed. 

  She asked for a vote on whether to pony up $35.00 annually to get a “secure site” SSL for our website. After some discussion, and an extensive explanation by Mr. Roy, it was decided that it was low-grade extortion, and the proposal was voted down.

  She asked for a vote on lending the club’s name to the Texas Wildlife Alliance, to support the dedication of federal funds from oil and gas royalties to preservation of endangered species. It was so agreed. Finally. 

  There was discussion of the logistics of the Holiday Party. Mr. Naeger offered to deal with getting the turkey and ham for the dinner. Ms. Leveen will bring the party supplies. Ms. Derby offered to get flowers for the tables. It was confirmed that it would be from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. 

  Ms Leveen raised the question of buying the club a new computer. Mr. Roy said we could get one for around $350.00 that would meet our needs, using Open Office software for free. It was resolved to ask at the next membership meeting for the donation of a suitable computer that any member might not be using, and then, if necessary, to buy one and be done with it. 

  There was discussion of the Safety Minute for the next meeting. One suggestion was the need to tie down boats properly when loading them onto a vehicle, and then double-checking. Mr. Ohrt offered to speak on the dangers of paddling rivers at high water levels. 

  Ms. Leveen asked for a move to adjourn. It was moved, seconded, and approved.  

Board Meeting Recorder,
Frank Ohrt