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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

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HomeNL-2017-08 Mileage Log

July 2017 Mileage Log
August 2017
Fleet Captain Natalie Wiest is providing here the HCC Mileage Log, as it stands year-to-date as of July, 2017. Members can download and view this Excel spreadsheet document to see where they stand, and how close they are to a 100-mile award. You can also check it for accuracy to make sure that it includes all of your club paddling trips to-date this year.
To download the Excel spreadsheet, click here.

This document has security set for members-only.
For those not familiar with Excel software, here's a few tips on how you might want to manipulate the chart. 
As is, the chart is in alphabetical order by member name on the y-axis, and has the club trips in chronological order on the x-axis.  You can scroll down or up by grabbing the scroll bar on the far right with your cursor and pulling it down or up, or scroll left and right by doing the same with the scroll bar at the bottom right.
Column B contains the total of miles by paddler, for all the club trips they've attended.
If you wish to filter out all the names with zero miles, click the filter icon in cell B2, un-check the zero in the pop-up selection list, and click OK.  (See the example, below.)  You'll now have a short list of just those members who have greater than zero registered miles.
If you wish to sort the member mileage by miles, click that same filter cell B2 again, select "Sort largest to smallest", and click OK.  You'll now have the members ranked by miles-paddled.
As you can see, Kent Walters is once again leading the pack.  Heck, he already had his 100-miles for the year...
If you have a goal of making 100-miles for the year, this spreadsheet will let you see where you stand, so you know how many more miles you need to accumulate to reach that goal.
This chart does not include non-club paddling miles.

Fleet Captain, Natalie Wiest