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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2012-03 Membership History

Membership History
by John Rich & Honey Leveen

I have been curious to see if the new web site has led to an increase in membership for the club.


I ran a membership history report since the implementation of the new web site, and plugged that data into a spreadsheet to produce a chart.  Click on the thumbnail chart below to see those statistics.  If the chart is too small for the text to be legible on your screen, click the "expand size" icon in the upper right corner.  Note that the new web site went live in August, 2010.  The chart has the dates on the x-axis, from older months on the left to newer months on the right.   The y-axis is the membership level.

 Membership History Chart


As you can see from the chart, the Houston Canoe Club membership level has risen from the 130's when the new web site was first implemented, up to the high 140's and a maximum of 150, and is holding fairly steady at that level.

Membership director, Honey Leveen, has this to say:  5 out of 9 guests at the last general meeting found us online, which took us all aback and was very exciting. It was wonderful to see four visitors who were under 30 years old: what great enthusiasm and energy they can bring to us! The increased website visibility and the traffic this brings portends well for HCC’s future. I call on HCC members to make our guests feel welcome. You can do this by taking a little time to introduce yourself, asking guests a little bit about themselves, and including them in conversations. We should strive for never having to see guests by themselves at meetings. We need new members. They enable HCC to continue to grow and remain vibrant.


The editor, 
John Rich


 Membership director,

Honey Leveen