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HomeNL-2014-06 Champion Lake

Champion Lake
March 30, 2014
by Dave Kitson

Joe Coker and I did a last minute trip on Champion Lake on March 30.  This is the first trip I have done on this lake in a long time because the water has been so low.  The gauge showed 5.5’ which is about 1.5’ or 2’ lower than the outfall so the lake was not full but we hoped that there would be enough water to get around.  As it turned out there was enough water to make an 8 mile trip.  About 1/3 of the lake is off limits from March 1 thru June 30 for bird nesting, but there is still plenty of space to paddle.

We set out up the main channel and soon encountered many dead shrubs in the channel.  They were easy to knock down but there were so many it was a bit of a fight to get through.  Many of the channels we went down had the plants but the more open areas were clear.  Check out our photos on the website to see the collection of twigs we amassed in the boats by the end of the day.  I suspect that these plants built up during the low water periods and then were killed when the water came back.  The water weed is building up but we have paddled the lake in the middle of summer and although much of the lake is covered with water weed then it is still possible to get around.
There were not too many birds flying around, certainly not as many as expected due to nesting season.  Maybe they were all back in the forbidden areas.  As always there was a large flock of buzzards as well as some ibis, a fair number of yellow crown night herons, blue wing teals, coots, etc.
We saw only one gator but did see three snakes; one rat snake, one small swimming snake of undetermined pedigree and a ribbon snake on a tree with whom we ate lunch.  Check out his photo on the website.

We ended up with an 8.4 mile, 6 hour trip.  Joe and I have both loaded photos to the website so check them out.

Photo albums: Dave Kitson   Joe Coker


The author, Dave Kitson