Topic of the month:
In the Blink of an Eye
Our Guest Speaker: Gary Seloff
Before his retirement two and half years ago, Gary worked for NASA at institutional support services management at Johnson Space Center for 34 years. During much of that time he found refuge and solitude paddling his kayak in the waters of the Armand Bayou Nature Center. This presentation is the product of hundreds of kayak photography outings on Pasadena's Armand and Horsepen Bayous over the past 16 years. A camera is able to capture frozen moments in time that happen too fast for the eye to see or for the brain to process, and at the opposite extreme, captures details of wildlife behavior or static scenes that often go unnoticed when one is passing through. We believe the collection of images he will be presenting to us will provide a combination of the two extremes, along with some history of the Armand Bayou Nature Center (celebrating its 50th year) that offers something new, even to this group that regularly spends time on the water. I am excited to see birds and gators in his angle!
With a Master's degree in Art History and a job in the Art Department at UT-Austin, it was an unexpected interview invitation from a NASA contractor that brought Gary to the Clear Lake area in 1987. Now, he has been able to give back as a volunteer at the Nature Center that has played an important role in preserving a peaceful retreat in the midst of a large urban setting.
The photo of Gary on the left were downloaded from a webpage of Armand Bayou Nature Center, credited to Jerome Matula.